
Money Talks Owasso First Assembly Money Talks Owasso First Assembly

Week 1 - Earn It

Money talks. Money has power. Money brings Influence. It brings a sense of worth and value. Money beckons us to worship and idolize it. But what does God say? When it comes to money, the Bible is clear. In fact, Jesus talks more about money than any other topic.

Are you controlling your money? Or is money controlling you?

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Book of Prayers Owasso First Assembly Book of Prayers Owasso First Assembly

Week 4 - The Prayer of Revelation

The Bible is full of prayers. Prayers that not only teach us how to pray but also build our hope, activate our faith, stretch our belief, and shape our lives. In this series, we look at prayers of the Bible and what we can learn from them, and how to apply them to our lives today.

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Book of Prayers Owasso First Assembly Book of Prayers Owasso First Assembly

Week 3 - The Prayer of Jabez

The Bible is full of prayers. Prayers that not only teach us how to pray but also build our hope, activate our faith, stretch our belief, and shape our lives. In this series, we look at prayers of the Bible and what we can learn from them, and how to apply them to our lives today.

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Book of Prayers Owasso First Assembly Book of Prayers Owasso First Assembly

Week 2 - The Model Prayer

The Bible is full of prayers. Prayers that not only teach us how to pray but also build our hope, activate our faith, stretch our belief, and shape our lives. In this series, we look at prayers of the Bible and what we can learn from them, and how to apply them to our lives today.

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Book of Prayers Owasso First Assembly Book of Prayers Owasso First Assembly

Week 1 - Teach Us To Pray

The Bible is full of prayers. Prayers that not only teach us how to pray but also build our hope, activate our faith, stretch our belief, and shape our lives. In this series, we look at prayers of the Bible and what we can learn from them, and how to apply them to our lives today.

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